February 2020 General Membership Meeting, Danbury, CT
"A Roundtable Evening with the Pros" - A Roundtable format with an industy pro at each table.
On Tuesday, February 18, 2020 Conspa held its February General Membership Meeting "A Roundtable Evening with the Pros" - A Roundtable format with an industry pro at each table. The following were the Table Topics and Facilitators: Salt/Chlorine Generators & Heat Pumps: Bill Starkey - Aqua Cal/Auto Pilot, Pavers, Retaining Walls & Steps: Andrew Amaturo - Unilock, Electrical Bonding & Equipment Wiring: Ron Wicklund - Wicks Electric, LLC, Liner & Safety Cover Specialists: Marc Cornley - Merlin Industries, Permitting, Building & Barrier Codes, Etc.,: Peter E. Solheim, Head Building Official Town of Darien. We had 33 people attend this event and receive 2 PHTA CEU hours.